Busy School Principals

Church marketing done for you!

For less than one month’s tuition, we create messaging to help you build connections between your church and school communities for the entire year.


Choose your plan today to get these positive weekly messages sent directly to your churches for their bulletin, email newsletter and A/V announcements.

Start conversations about your church’s #1 ministry— your school!

Our messaging works, it’s simple, and we do the work for you.

Weekly Topics Include:

  • Why Certified Teachers Make a Difference

  • The Value of Accreditation

  • End-of-Year Giving

  • Total Church Member Involvement

  • Volunteering

  • Benefits of Christian Values in Education Series

  • What Makes Our Schools Outstanding Series

  • Benefits of Art & Music

  • …and more for each week of the year!


Statistics tell us it takes viewing a message 7 to 17x (on average) before a person is ready to take action. Build essential connections with your ideal audience—your church.

Our service sends branded messaging directly to your supporting churches every week.

What We Do

Our team writes and edits quality Christian content so that busy principals don’t have to hire a new employee, manage a volunteer, or add more to their growing to-do lists.

  • Messages and A/V graphics are intended for church bulletins and overhead announcements.

  • Our designers bring messages to life with your school’s colors, logo, and elements (Branding Plan), and tell your school’s story (Testimonial Plan).

  • With every plan, we schedule and send all content each Tuesday by 8:00 AM to your constituent church(es). These messages keep your school top-of-mind as the church’s largest ministry.

How to Partner

More than ever before, school principals have a lot on their plates. That’s why we created Ministry Spotlight. Signing up is simple.

  • After your subscription is processed you’ll be asked to fill out a 5-minute informational form through email.

  • Next, A/V designs will be submitted for your approval.

  • Once finalized, schools can be assured that quality content will be automatically sent to their supporting churches on their behalf week after week.

Take something important OFF of your to-do list.

When a school and church intentionally build community, they BOTH grow.

Consistency is key.


Each week, in addition to printed bulletin content, we also provide slides for your church’s audio-visual announcements.

These slides are designed to encourage your church family to get involved with your school, as a continuous reminder that it is their school.

Start at any time of year. The time to improve communication is NOW.

We serve Christian schools and support their leaders.

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Nationwide Service

No matter your location we can design a campaign to meet your needs. Like clockwork, we can schedule communications for your time zone that automatically reach your constituent churches each Tuesday by 8 AM.

Say hello. Ask a question.

Whatever you need, we are happy to help create a campaign that is the perfect fit. Thank you for stopping by!
